Susan Murray on water bills and local updates
Susan Murray, Westminster candidate for Mid Dunbartonshire, gives her views on big rises in water bills whilst sewage is dumped in our rivers.
Susan Murray, Westminster candidate for Mid Dunbartonshire, and the East Dunbartonshire Liberal Democrats have been researching into the state of local NHS dentistry and been asking local residents on their experiences. With this information a small report has been made for last month's responses, you can read and download the full report in PDF format here.
The report summarises the problems people in East Dunbartonshire raised when asked about NHS dentistry. Many people responded positively, saying that they were registered with an NHS dentist and were happy with the service they receive. However many others described the problems they face, from being unable to register with an NHS dentist, reluctantly going private, waiting longer for appointments, to the relocation of the dental practice in Campsie. Some people said that they are travelling outside of East Dunbartonshire for appointments.
Our dentist has just gone completely private, no longer accepting NHS patients including children. Trying to find someone who does is a challenge.
This report brings together people’s experience in order to illustrate these problems. Hopefully by acknowledging the challenges we can begin to find solutions and ensure that everyone has access to excellent NHS dental care. If you wish to share your own experiences to add to our reseach into NHS Dentistry across East Dunbartonshire then you can contact the team.