Final Recommendations for 2023 Review of UK Parliament Constituencies Announced

The Boundary Commission for Scotland released its final proposals on Wednesday. These will be the boundaries that will be used at the next Westminster election due no later than 28 January 2025. East Dunbartonshire will see both a name change and a few boundary changes.
The East Dunbartonshire Constituency will be renamed to Mid Dunbartonshire with the bounderies keeping the existing East Dunbartonshire, with minor tweaks in Kirkintilloch, but adds the Campsie villages.
The remaining parts of the East Dunbartonshire council area will remain under the renamed Cumbernauld and Kirkintilloch consituency (formerly Cumbernauld, Kilsyth and Kirkintilloch East).
The report can be found at and there is also an interactive map at Scotland | BCS Consultation Portal (